I know I'm biased, but she is such a cutie!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Crazy Caitlin
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Dance
There's nothing like getting all dressed up for high school Homecoming dances!
Tyler drove down from Farmington to take Jenessa to her dance. They met up with a bunch of friends for dinner at Tucano's.
Watch out Ty, she has a sharp instrument in her hand!
Homecoming 2009
Jenessa was chosen to be in the Sandia Homecoming Court by the Senior class and then chosen 1st Princess by the student body.
It was a really fun experience, but you're probably wondering why I'm starting off this blog with pictures of Parker. Well...this is how we kept our 2 yr old happy during the coronation assembly. I took the first picture of him because he was getting restless and he said "I see! I see!" Then he did his GQ pose and looked at me like, hellooo...take the picture! Then it was "I see, I see!" We went on like this for quite awhile. Here are just a few of his first poses. He was hilarious!

Once you're chosen for court, you get paired up with a guy that is on court, and you perform a skit for the student body at an assembly that happens the day of voting.
This was Jenessa's skit buddy, Christian Meyer. If you're ever here visiting, remind me to show you Jenessa's skit, it was a spoof on the infamous Spiderman kiss! Scandalous!

Jenessa's dress was made by Yolanda Fastle, a sister in our ward. Yolanda is an amazing seamstress; she made Britta's senior homecoming dress as well as her wedding dress. Caitlin has already put in a request for a senior homecoming dress! We are sooo lucky to know Yoli!!
For the coronation assembly, each court member picked their own escort and Ness picked Cait.
Kirby Lannom with Jenessa and Casey Harty with Caitlin practicing for their pictures that they'll be taking at the Homecoming dance, well...all except for Caitlin since she isn't allowed to go till she's 16.
This is the moment when Jenessa is saying, "Hey little sis, we've made it up the stairs and across most of this catwalk in these extremely high heels and we haven't fallen! Yippee!"

Ironically enough, this picture has the 1st and 2nd Princesses and 1st Prince in it.
High Court: 1st Prince/Princess King/Queen 2nd Prince/Princess

The decorations were amazing! These 2 gals worked long and hard on them for Senate.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sept 5 09 Tyler's Baptism
On September 5th Tyler was baptized. We had the privilege, as a family, to attend. It was a wonderful experience getting to meet Tyler's family and also the family that was instrumental in his conversion, The Lacey's.
Tyler and Jenessa just after his baptism.

Briana getting some TY action! Considering Tyler has one younger sister, and she is 15, it is amazing how well he has adapted to having a plethora of siblings around!

After that the kids played freeze tag. Jenessa was "it" and for some reason everyone decided that coming down the slide would be a good idea. It started with Tyler, whom Jenessa tagged right off, and then...
Daniel, followed by Cole and finally Caitlin. Needless to say they were all stuck because no one could un-freeze them.
In the process, which actually happened several times, Daniel had to put his thumb back into place. Can you see Cole? Holy cow, it's a miracle he's still alive!
Next round, Daniel was "it". This is him trying to convince Cait to let him "get" her. Since this was their first meeting, we have to assume that Daniel did not know how competitve Caitlin is. Giving up is not in her vocabulary
Maybe, just maybe, if he hadn't of needed to hold his thumb in place, he could've caught her!
Cait joined in on the thumb's up since Daniel had a permanent one.
Yay, it's over and we're still in one piece!

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